Closure of the Medicare Chronic Disease Dental Scheme.

This notice is to let patients know that Medicare benefits under the Medicare Chronic Disease Dental Scheme (the Scheme) will close to all patients from 1 December 2012.

Arrangements for the closure of the Scheme.

Medicare benefits will not be paid for any dental services under the Scheme provided to any patient from 1 December 2012.

A patient who has a GP Management Plan and Team Care Arrangements, or a Multidisciplinary Care Plan that was in place prior to 8 September 2012, and who has a referral for dental services under the Scheme, will be able to use the unspent amount, up to the limit of $4,250, in Medicare benefits for dental treatment received before 1 December 2012. This applies whether or not the patient has commenced dental treatment under the Scheme.

Patients who do not have a GP Management Plan and Team Care Arrangements, or Multidisciplinary Care Plan in place prior to 8 September 2012 will not be able to access Medicare benefits for dental services under the Scheme from this date.

Claims for treatment provided before 1 December 2012

Patients can still lodge claims with the Department of Human Services (Medicare) after the closure of the Scheme. Claims will be paid as long as the dental services were provided before 1 December 2012 and all the requirements of the services were met. This includes claims made directly by a dental practitioner (bulk billed claims) or those claimed directly by the patient.

Patients will need to meet the full cost of any dental service provided on or after 1 December 2012 – Medicare benefits will not be paid for these services.

Further information

Dental practitioners and GPs have been advised of the closure of the Scheme. Patients may wish to discuss the impact this change may have on their dental care with their GP or dental practitioner.

Further information about these changes is available on the Department of Health and Ageing’s Website at

Specific questions about eligibility for the closing dental scheme, or entitlements, should be directed to the Department of Human Services on 132 011.